About Us » Philosophy & Learning Expectations

Philosophy & Learning Expectations

St. Brendan School Philosophy
We, the faculty and staff of St. Brendan School, believe that quality education is vital to the formation of a responsible, mature Christian. 
We believe that we must support, through communication and cooperation, the family's primary role in the growth, development, and education of their child. 
We believe that the student has the right to learn of God's love and concern.
We believe that the student has a right to develop intellectually according to his / her potential.
We believe that the student has a right to develop a strong, healthy body in which to house a strong, healthy mind.
We believe that the student has a right to learn the methods which will enable him / her to live a worthwhile life in society.
We believe that the student has a right to a learning environment that encourages psychological well-being.
We, the faculty and staff of St. Brendan School, believe education is an integral part of life, not merely a process of gaining information.
We believe that this vision of education, as stated in this philosophy, will give students a spirit of enthusiasm for learning that will result in their becoming responsible, mature Christians. 

Student Learning Expectations


The strength of a philosophy lies in its translation into specific standards toward which students can strive. Our learning expectations, "L.I.G.H.T.", help our teachers develop students who are Life-Long Christians, Informed Decision Makers, Global Citizens, Highly Effective Communicators, and Twenty-First Century Learners.



Student Learning Expectations

For Grades 4-8


St. Brendan School students are:


Life-Long Christians who:

  • Develop a personal, spiritual, and loving relationship with God.
  • Spread the Good News of Jesus with empathy, tolerance, justice, and love.
  • Participate in our faith community and serve others.


Informed Decision Makers who:

  • Develop and evaluate their moral compass following Gospel values.
  • Do what is right, even if it is not easy.
  • Consider different points of view with respect and an open mind.


Global Citizens who:

  • Actively promote Catholic social teachings.
  • Use the lens of social justice to make a positive impact locally and globally.
  • Embrace differences and are inclusive to all.


Highly Effective Communicators who:

  • Confidently present information and ideas in a public setting.
  • Advocate for themselves and others with knowledge, sensitivity, diplomacy, and understanding.
  • Express thoughts and concepts clearly and concisely, both orally and in written form.


Twenty-First Century Learners who:

  • Critically evaluate information and demonstrate analytical and innovative thinking.
  • Work collaboratively to problem-solve and create solutions.
  • Utilize technology appropriately to enhance learning.
Student Learning Expectations
for Grades K-3
St. Brendan School students are:

Life-Long Christians who:

  • Carry Jesus in their hearts.
  • Pray often.
  • Participate in Mass.

Informed Decision Makers who:

  • Know the difference between right and wrong.
  • Make loving choices.
  • Show kindness and respect to all.

Global Citizens who:

  • Share God's love with others.
  • Are a friend to everyone.
  • Celebrate and respect our differences.
  • Take care of the Earth and God's creatures.

Highly Effective Communicators who:

  • Express themselves clearly and honestly.
  • Ask for help when needed.
  • Actively listen.
  • Stand up for others.

Twenty-First Century Learners who:

  • Think for themselves and ask questions.
  • Work together to solve problems.
  • Use technology safely.