Annual Fund/Donate Now
Annual Fund/Donate Now
St. Brendan School’s Annual Fund Campaign supplements the funds raised through tuition, fees, and parent club fundraisers. A strong financial base is imperative for St. Brendan School to pursue its mission of providing an innovative and comprehensive curriculum second-to-none. The Annual Fund provides a foundation for sound fiscal management, program expansion, and improved facilities and grounds. Annual Fund gifts ensure that each child receives an education worth far more than tuition dollars.
We ask that each family consider contributing to our Annual Fund, either in one payment or spread out over several months. A suggested contribution would be the equivalent of one month’s tuition, although those families who are able to do so are certainly encouraged to increase that amount. In addition to our school parents’ generosity, we gratefully welcome contributions from grandparents and other relatives, alumni, friends of the school, and parishioners.
Our administration, faculty, and students are so thankful for the generosity of the entire St. Brendan community. You help make St. Brendan School the wonderful place that it is.
Support our Annual Fund by donating online now or print out the Annual Fund Donation Form and send your donation to us by mail.
Leadership Gift Circles
Platinum Circle: $5,000 or more
Gold Circle: $2,500 to $4,900
Silver Circle: $1,000 to $2,499
Benefactor: $500 to $999
Patron: $250 to $499
Sponsor: $249 or less