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Welcome to Junior High Science at St. Brendan!

Overall, sixth grade science focuses on Earth Science, beginning with a study of the structure of the Earth and plate tectonics. Seventh grade science focuses on Life Science, starting with an exploration of the various characteristics of living things, while eighth grade science centers on Physical Science, beginning with the properties of matter and the structure of the atom.
Throughout all middle school science classes, a consistent theme will be the scientific process and science "thinking". For grades 6-8, before diving into material in the textbook, the first unit will focus on science skills, including asking questions, designing investigations, and graphing and analyzing data ... all in preparation for the St. Brendan Science Fair which we will begin working on in late October. Science Fair will continue to be a focus well into the second trimester!
Looking forward to the 2024-2025 school year! 
                                             - Mrs. Lynne Dowdy,  [email protected]